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Spy School Goes South
商品訊息描述:Ben is taken to Mexico by his nemesis in the hopes that he’ll finally be able to take down SPYDER in this latest addition to the New York Times bestselling Spy School series.
Thirteen-year-old Ben Ripley has been caught in the snares of SPYDER more than once and knows well enough to be suspicious of anything that seems too good to be true—despite needing special tutoring in advanced survival techniques. So when Murray Hill finally breaks his silence with an offer to hand over the SPYDER elite, Ben knows that there must be something going on. But his hesitation doesn’t stop the assignment.
The Mission: Follow Murray Hill to an undisclosed location with no one else but Erica Hale to identify SPYDER leadership. Once found, contact the CIA to sweep in and finish the job. DO NOT CONTACT SPYDER DIRECTLY.
However, as Ben suspected, nothing goes as planned, and what should be an easy mission quickly turns deadly. Now, Ben and Erica will have to face rogue agents, trained killers, and even very hungry crocodiles in a race against the clock to find out what SPYDER is up to this time—and thwart their evil plans.
- 作者: Gibbs, Stuart
- 原文出版社:Simon & Schuster
- 出版日期:2018/10/02
- 語言:英文
Spy School Goes South
國民黨台中市長參選人盧秀燕日前踢爆金管會周邊單位浪費公帑,並舉 iPad 為例,蘋果官網價格為一台 18900 元,今( 2018 )年政府大量採購,換算下來一台竟要 30700 元,價格遠遠比市場行情價貴出一倍,讓她質疑「那不是大有內情跟文章嗎?」
盧秀燕比較前總統馬英九及總統蔡英文執政時期的預算編列。內容可見,馬政府時期於 103 年購入 28 台iPad ,編 55.7萬元,平均一台約 1.98 萬元;而蔡政府同樣購入 28 台iPad ,卻要花費 86 萬元,換算下來平均一台約 3.07 萬元。
▲盧秀燕比較預算編列,馬政府買28 台 iPad ,平均一台約 1.98 萬元。(圖/翻攝自盧秀燕臉書)
▲蔡政府購入 28 台iPad ,花費 86 萬元,平均一台超過 3 萬元。(圖/翻攝自盧秀燕臉書)
若 128G 的iPad以官網價格 1.89 萬元來看,盧秀燕質疑「照理共同供應是要比較便宜的,結果你們的價錢還貴出市場行情將近一倍,那不是很不合理嗎?那不是大有內情跟文章嗎?」對此,金管會主委顧立雄回應,有可能是因為 3C 產品有時間差的關係,價格才會有所不同。不過,此說法不被盧秀燕接受,要顧立雄調出這 2 年採購 iPad 的資料證明。
消息曝光後,掀起網友一陣撻伐,紛紛痛批「不是說國家沒錢,結果政府整天撒錢亂花」、「一個透明的 3C 商場、網路平台都是明價。況且還是大量採購,還能貴上一倍,真敢吃~」「這應該只是冰山的一小角吧」、「只聴過打排球有時間差,沒想到買 ipad 也有時間差」、「跟買一台送一台價格差不多呢」,引發熱議。
▲蔡政府以貴出市場行情將近一倍的價格購入 iPad ,讓盧秀燕質疑「那不是大有內情跟文章嗎?」(圖/翻攝自盧秀燕臉書)
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